I'm thinking about a great idea...

 Hey guys, I think I want to do a 2021 countdown extras rankdown. I have noticed that there has not been one yet, and now that I have a blog, I think I would like to do this rankdown myself.

I participated in the hitbound dropouts rankdown, so I think I know how these things work. Please comment down below if you want me to do this. Either way, I probably will, because I want to share my opinions on the countdown extras from last year, but I'll make the official announcement in my next countdown post. 


  1. Okay! I just want CMC to be featured in another rankdown.

    1. Are you actually going to put it as your #1?

  2. Replies
    1. Great. By the way, I think I know what you will put in last place, and what Waffle and Beluga will put in last place as well.

  3. So I think I am going to do this rankdown, I just finished the form and will make the announcement in my post this Saturday.

  4. It's better to open the poll now so I got more time to do it.

    1. Ok I'll get the page up and running, then make the official announcement in my countdown post this saturday.

  5. Ok the page for the rankdown is up. Here's the link: https://hipposhits1blog.blogspot.com/p/2021-countdown-extras-rankdown-in.html


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